Saturday 23 July 2011

more than a conqueror

People may use the annoyance of the issues in their lives as toxins to rid you of the happiness in your own life. Learn to recognise these toxins and purge your system on time because it could clog up inside you and attract other negative attitudes while the person that dumped it on you goes on with his own business. Try to see a lighter side of every thing that happens in life. Your issues should not be your major concern. The joy of the Lord is your strength. That strength lies in the innate knowledge that even if things are not going well as they should, they soon will. As a Christian, you are more than a conqueror.

Friday 22 July 2011

There is nothing the mind can conceive that the mind cannot achieve….. Your power of imagination is one of your greatest gifts and you need to cherish it. Everything that has ever been achieved started as an unseen spark in a creative imagination.